EIUG Constitution

as approved at the EIUG meeting, University of Hull, 23 February 1998.


The name of this organisation shall be the European Innovative Users Group (hereafter EIUG).


The purpose of the EIUG shall be to:

2.1 To serve as a forum to influence the development and improvement of Innovative Interfaces, Inc. (hereafter III) products for the benefit of EIUG members.

2.2 To foster and improve relationships and communication among members, and between members and III.

2.3 To gather and disseminate information on the use of III products among the users of the systems.


3.1. Membership shall be open to all institutions which have a current contract with III for the supply of products and services.

3.2. Member institutions will be those institutions which have paid the annual dues for the current year. Consortia may join as a single member as long as the consortia members share a single host computer.

3.3. Rights and Privileges

3.3.1. Each member institution will appoint and certify to the Chair one person to be its official representative.

3.3.2. Each member institution may cast one vote on any issue presented to the EIUG.

3.3.3. Any person currently employed by a member institution may participate in EIUG activities at the member rate, hold office, serve on committees, and engage in debates on EIUG policy. Only the official EIUG representative from each member institution may cast a vote. Non members may attend open meetings and participate in discussions.

3.4. An institution’s membership in the EIUG will terminate upon failure to pay the annual dues.


4.1. The officers of this organisation shall be a Chair, a Vice-Chair, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.

4.2. Terms of Office

4.2.1. The Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and the Treasurer each shall be elected for a term of two years.

4.2.2. Officers will cease their term of office at the end of the Annual General Meeting following their second year of office.

4.2.3.Officers may stand for election for a second term of office but will stand down after two full terms.

4.3. Vacancies

4.3.1. The Vice-Chair shall immediately become Chair upon the resignation of the Chair for the unexpired term, including the term s/he was initially elected to serve.

4.3.2. A vacancy of the Vice Chair, Secretary or the Treasurer position may be filled for the balance of the term thereof by special appointment of the EIUG Steering Committee.

4.4. Duties of the Chair

4.4.1. Preside at the annual and special membership meetings of the EIUG and at meetings of the EIUG Steering Committee.

4.4.2. Appoint annually with the approval of the EIUG Steering Committee such standing committees or working parties as may be required to carry out the purposes of the organisation.

4.4.3. Perform other duties as are necessarily incident to the office of Chair and as may be prescribed by the EIUG Steering Committee.

4.5. Duties of the Vice-Chair

4.5.1. Perform the duties of the Chair in the event of the Chair’s temporary disability or absence from meetings, or if the Chair becomes ineligible to hold office.

4.5.2 Responsible for co-ordinating local arrangements and promotion for the Annual Meeting other EIUG meetings and workshops

4.5.3. Complete assignments as delegated by the Chair.

4.6. Duties of the Secretary

4.6.1. Take and distribute minutes of the annual and special membership meetings, and of the EIUG Steering Committee meetings.

4.6.2. Distribute mailings to the membership at appropriate intervals throughout the year.

4.6.3. Perform other duties as are necessarily incident to the office of Secretary as may be prescribed by the EIUG Steering Committee.

4.7. Duties of the Treasurer

4.7.1. Collect registration fees membership fees, and other moneys and maintain the organisations bank account(s) as required.

4.7.2. Keep an account of all moneys received and expended and make disbursements as authorised by the EIUG Steering Committee. Present an annual report of accounts duly audited by independent auditors as appointed by the EIUG Steering Committee.

4.7.3. Maintain a current list of members and a directory of their contact details.

4.7.4. Deliver over to his/her successor or to the Chair all books, moneys, and other property at the expiration of his/her term of office.

4.7.5. Perform other duties as are necessarily incident to the office of Treasurer as may be prescribed by the EIUG Steering Committee.


5.1. The EIUG Steering Committee shall consist of the four executive officers of the organisation and three members of the organisation elected at large to represent a spectrum of the user population. EIUG Steering Committee meetings are open to all interested parties.

5.2. Duties of the EIUG Steering Committee

5.2.1. Exercise the powers of the organisation when it is not in session, reporting to its members thereon at the succeeding meeting or via the EIUG electronic mail list.

5.2.2. Organise and promote the EIUG Annual Meeting and other meetings or workshops as required or identified by the membership.

5.2.3. Approve appointments made by the Chair to other such standing or special committees as may be required to carry out the purpose of the EIUG.

5.2.4. The Steering Committee may co-opt ex officio members to further the needs of the EIUG at any time.

5.3. Terms of Office for Steering Committee members

The membership shall initially elect two EIUG members to serve on the EIUG Steering Committee for a two-year term. Thereafter, members will be elected for two-year terms.

5 4. Vacancies of Steering Committee members

A vacancy of a Steering Committee member position may be filled for the balance of the term thereof by co-option of the EIUG Steering Committee.

5.5. Meetings

5.5.1. The EIUG Steering Committee shall have a regularly scheduled meeting in conjunction with the annual membership meeting.

5.5.2. The EIUG Steering Committee shall meet upon call of the Chair, or on demand by a majority of the membership, in accordance with the fulfilment of the purpose of the organisation.

5.5.3. Four members of the EIUG Steering Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


6.1. Number of Meetings

6.1.1. There shall be an annual meeting held at a site and time selected by the EIUG Steering Committee.

6.1.2. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or by a written request of 25% of the official representatives from member institutions.

6.1.3. Meetings and workshops may be held at any time, but no official business of this organisation may be conducted unless called as a special meeting in accordance with Section 6.1.2.

6.2. Notice of Meetings

Notice of any meeting shall be distributed to each member institution by the Chair no less than thirty days in advance, with a statement of the time and place, and containing information as to the agenda.

6.3. Powers

All official representatives from member institutions present at a membership meeting shall have, by majority vote, the power to:

6.3.1. Adopt rules and agenda for governing membership meetings.

6.3.2. Refer any matter to the EIUG Steering Committee, including recommendations for action, and may request the EIUG Steering Committee to report on such matters at a future meeting of the organisation.

6.4. Representation

III shall be invited to send representatives to the EIUG annual meeting as they deem appropriate. Such representative may speak to any issue at any meeting of the organisation, but may not make motions or vote.


7.1. Special Committees and working groups.

7.1.1. Special committees or working groups shall be formed as needed.

7.1.2. Committees shall serve to the completion of appointed task.

7.1.3. Committee members and committee chairs shall be appointed by the Chair subject to the approval of the EIUG Steering Committee.

7.1.4. All committees shall report directly to the EIUG Steering Committee.


8.1. Nominations

The membership shall nominate candidates for the offices of Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and for the members on the EIUG Steering Committee.

8.1.1. Nominations will be sought by the Secretary at least two months prior to the annual meeting.

8.1.2. Nominations may be submitted in writing to the Steering Committee for 30 days after the announcement of the intent to seek nominations.

8.1.3. No name shall be placed on the ballot without the written consent of the person being nominated.

8.1.4. The Steering Committee will advertise the final candidates to the membership no later than 35 days before the annual meeting.

8. 2. Elections

8.2.1. The Secretary will prepare and distribute one copy of the ballot to the official EIUG representative of each member institution no later than 35 days before the annual meeting.

8.2.2. Ballots will be due back to the Chair no later than 30 days from the date they were sent out. The exact due date will be printed on the ballot.

8.2.3. The ballots will be tallied by the Chair and verified by the Vice-Chair.

8.2.4. All candidates will be elected by majority vote.

8.2.5. The Chair will contact each candidate with the results and will announce the results at the annual membership meeting.

8.2.6. New officers and members-at-large will take office immediately upon adjournment of the annual membership meeting.


The Constitution of the EIUG may be amended, repealed, or altered in whole or in part by official ballot only. Amendments to the Constitution require a majority vote of the returned ballots from the official EIUG representatives of each member institution.


10.1. Membership Fees

10.1.1. Membership fees shall be assessed to each institution that has requested to join the EIUG. Only those institutional members which have paid shall be eligible to appoint an official EIUG representative as defined in 3.3.1 of this Constitution.

10.1.2. The amount of the membership fee shall be determined annually by the EIUG Steering Committee.

10.2. Distribution of Membership Information

10.2.1. Each member institution will receive only one copy of any ballots, minutes, questionnaires, announcements, or other EIUG communications. This copy will be sent to the official EIUG representative. Communications will also be listed on the EIUG electronic mail list.

10.2.2. Updates to the Membership Directory will be distributed annually to member institutions.

10.2.3. Distribution of information to the membership may be accomplished by normal mail delivery, by fax delivery, by electronic mail, and/or other electronic means, as appropriate.